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Help plant a raingarden at Woodbury City Hall

  • woodbury city hall 8301 Valley Creek Road Woodbury, MN, 55125 United States (map)

Help to plant a raingarden at Woodbury City Hall! Register at

Raingardens filter and clean stormwater runoff from rooftops and pavement. They also create habitat for birds and pollinators. This raingarden will help to protect Tamarack Nature Preserve - the southernmost tamarack bog in Minnesota and a hidden gem in Woodbury.

We need 20 volunteers to help plant 500 plants in the city hall’s brand new raingarden. Planting will start at 5pm and be done by 7pm. Staff from Woodbury and Washington Conservation District will provide instruction and support.

Volunteers should wear close-toed shoes and bring gloves, kneeling pads, and hand shovels if you have them. There will be a small supply of gloves and shovels on hand for volunteers to use as well.