Since 2006, citizens and local government partners have installed more than 1000 raingardens in Washington County to protect our lakes, rivers and streams! Raingardens catch runoff from a rooftop, driveway or street and soak it into the ground before it can reach a storm sewer or nearby waterway. Raingardens also beautify our local communities and provide habitat for pollinators.

Volunteer to “Adopt-a-Raingarden” in your neighborhood today!

Adopting a raingarden is a great way to build community, beautify your neighborhood, protect lakes and rivers, and get fresh air and exercise! 

In Stillwater, Sustainable Stillwater MN works in partnership with the WCD to recruit and support volunteers and plan community clean-up and weeding events.

Here’s what you'll need to do

  1. Use the map to find a raingarden in need of love and sign-up using our on-line form

    • We’ll contact you in a few days to drop off materials and answer any questions you might have.

  2. Visit your garden 2-3 times per year to weed, thin plants, pick up litter, and remove built-up sediment in the inlet.

  3. Contact Cameron Blake if you notice any major problems with the garden, such as water not draining more than 48 hours after it rains.

*Want an easy reminder when maintenance is needed? Download our Raingarden Maintenance Calendar for Google or Outlook.


Pink = Adopted Blue = Adopt me!